About Us

Don Rackley began trapshooting in 1987 and has shot Perazzi guns since then. He worked in a machine shop during and after high school and then finished a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering. He completed an MBA in 1985 and started a career with AT&T in various engineering and management positions. In 2001, he moved to an optical telecom company and was the head of the manufacturing engineering group until retiring in 2014. He believes the Perazzi shotgun is a most elegant design due to its parts simplicity, dual functions of some parts and ease of maintenance and parts replacement. In trapshooting he enjoys the camaraderie, the competition and helping people maintain and understand their Perazzi guns better.

Marcello Giuliani started in the USA gun business in 1979 with the help of a good friend in California. Marcello has supported shooters with high quality, reasonably priced replacement parts for the past 30+ years. He has continued to supply some popular parts that have been discontinued to keep shooters guns working. He has innovated novel solutions (such as the locking block jig) which allows shooters to replace key parts themselves, saving shipping time, the possibility of theft and maintenance costs.